In many instances, through no fault of our own, we get a less than perfect credit rating. We can lose our jobs, have lay offs, have an unexpected medical emergency and find ourselves in a tight spot. These situations and numerous more are common to so many today. Do not give up! Any one can recover and get a good credit rating. There are many credit cards that can help you recover a good credit rating. Here are a few tips on how to achieve that goal.
1. When applying for a card read the fine print.
2. Check the annual fee. Some cards have a fee and some do not. Compare offers and try to get a card with no fee.
3. The APR can sneak up and bite you. This is the interest charged so be aware of what will happen if you carry a balance.
4. Use discipline when using your card. Charge items that you will pay for in your regular budget. Then pay it off at the end of the month. Remember, your goal is to reestablish your credit. According to the credit bureaus this on time payment is very important.
5. Secured cards are a good option. These cards are secured by a deposit made by the card holder into an account specifically for that card. These cards are also great for first time card holders with no credit or students.
6. Some cards have maximum limits. Some as low as $200, Rebuilding your credit will take some time so be patient.
7. Be sure to check the annual fee charges. If your maximum limit is only $200 and your annual fee is $100 it may not make good sense to apply for that card.
There are many offers to choose from but be aware of the fine print. Use common sense to make decisions about your choices. Be a disciplined purchaser and use the opportunity for your benefit.