Just like personal credit cards, there are various companies that also offer business credit cards. This niche of the card market is considered to be more lucrative in the eyes of credit and finance companies, since business owners have lower risk of not paying their debts compared to personal accounts. Because of the vast number of choices, it can be pretty hard to pick one. So, here is a review of business credit cards to help you narrow down your choices.
Chase Business Rebate Card
This Visa powered card is considered to be the most popular in the cash-back category of business credit cards. It is recommended for people who have really good FICO scores and are looking to merge business related expenses in one credit card.
The program lets members earn a maximum of 3% back from all business purchases. The good thing here is that there is no annual fee. You are entitled to get 3% cash back with your purchases from any of the following:
- Restaurants
- Gas stations
- Office supply stores
- Building supply stores
- Home improvement centers
- Hardware stores
Furthermore, you get to have a 1% rebate for other purchases which weren't mentioned above. Other benefits include:
- Purchase protection plan
- Auto rental insurance
- Travel accident insurance
This can benefit you if you're the type who could pay in full every month even after the expiration of the introductory rate. This is also suited for those who plan to take advantage of the card's reward program.
Starwood Preferred Guest Card
This is considered to be the most popular in the business reward card category. If you are traveling quite often to various destinations and countries, this would be the card for you due to its hotel reward system. You can get more savings along with bonuses out of your expenses and business trips. You also instantly get 10,000 Starpoints on the very first time that you use your card. These points are equivalent to a 3 nights hotel stay. Starwood has a 14.99% APR only but they also have a super low introductory APR that is good for 6 months, which only charges 2.9%.
Capital One Platinum
This card reigns in the category of being the best card that you can build your credit history with. It is highly recommended for those that have fair credit. This is recommended for people that are searching for a business credit card to improve their credit profile. They have 0% APR until October 2009 and they do not charge any annual fees and you can have a year-end summary report for free!